WELCOME! It is a pleasure to welcome you to this customized coaching program with me, Lisa Lewtan. I am so excited to begin this journey of self-discovery with you. Please review and accept the terms of this agreement by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.

The Program in which you are enrolling will include the following:

A. Either 25 or 50-minute appointments either in person, on the phone, or via video chat which will include discussion of your progress and specific, customized recommendations toward achieving your goals. I encourage you to take detailed notes during each session in order to enhance your learning and retention. 

B. Included is nominal email or text communication with questions and concerns in between appointments, specifically to address follow-up support regarding topics covered during your sessions. 


You and Lisa Lewtan (Lisa) will meet at the times you schedule online or with Lisa directly. Lisa understands that you have a busy schedule, and takes pride in not keeping you waiting. If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, you will do so at least 24 hours in advance. If you do not show up for an appointment without previously notifying Lisa, you will forfeit that session and will not be refunded.


You are representing yourself as a competent, effective individual who is fully able to make up your own decisions and choices that you may make as a result of this coaching process.

You agree to waive any and all claims that you may have against Lisa arising out of or related to any actions you take or decisions you makes as a result of Lisa’s input, coaching, speaking, training, books or development.


Your privacy is 100% respected. When you seek the advice of Lisa, it will stay confidential. Lisa will not disclose personal information to others unless it is in a discussion with a doctor that referred you to Lisa.

Lisa has the right and should she choose to share examples of your progress as an uplifting story and inspiration to help others (in books, articles, lectures workshops) your name, location and personal information will be void as to protect your privacy and you will not the recognized in the example, you will stay anonymous.


From the time of purchase you will have 3-6 Months (depending on the chosen package) before sessions will expire. Sessions ARE transferrable so if you don’t plan on using them feel free to gift them to a friend or family member to use before they expire.


Due to the nature of this business, unless you decide to cancel right after the first session, Coaching Programs are a non-refundable investment.


You agree that the advice you receive from Lisa is not a substitute for treatments from licensed medical, psychological, legal or financial professionals. Lisa provides no guarantees, warranties and is not responsible for any interpretations, decisions made or actions taken by you as a result of her advice.

Pleas fill in your information and click the button to let me know that you agree to the terms of this agreement.