Are You a Food Snob?
Let's face it, we all know what we are supposed to eat healthy, but actually doing it is another story...especially during holidays and while traveling.
The freshly baked garlic butter bread, the French full-bodied wine, the gourmet creamy right-off-the-farm cheese platter, and the melt-in-your-mouth chocolate brownies... all call out to us. Eat me! Eat me! No, Eat me!
If you are like many of my clients, you might start off on the first day of your get-away on the right track by ordering the grilled fish with a salad and one glass of wine. By day two, the bread basket smells so intoxicating that you begin to say, “Just one bite can’t hurt.” On day three, the chocolate ooey-gooey melt-in-your-mouth dessert, that someone ordered for the table (with extra spoons), becomes virtually impossible to resist.
And then, on day four, it happens.
You look around at everyone else indulging in the bread, wine, and dessert and you tell yourself, "It's a special occasion, I DESERVE IT!!!" You suddenly notice how happy everyone else looks and you want to join in on the fun. At that very moment, you might just begin your downward spiral of eating anything and everything in sight simply because you can.
Can you relate? I know I can.
Yes, you do deserve to eat delicious food, but you also don't want to feel like crap and not fit into your clothes. Right? Well good news, I have a one-step simple plan that may just allow you to have your cake and eat it too. Really, this approach has given me and many of my clients the ability to relax and enjoy the delicious foods that are offered to us without worrying that we’ll overdo it or lose control. Keep Reading Here...
Yes, you heard me correctly - be a food SNOB! Let me explain. If you are in Italy, indulge in the most delicious homemade pasta you can find and pay attention to its perfect texture with every bite. Do not bother if you suspect it comes from a box. If you are in France, go for the French wine rather than the French fries, which you can get anywhere. If you want to eat chocolate in Switzerland, find the darkest, velvety chocolate truffle and let it melt slowly in your mouth.
Get it?
Indulge in the special foods and seek out the best quality, most delicious version of anything you eat. If you suspect you can get a better version of it at home, skip it. It's not worth it. When you do eat it, eat it mindfully savoring the taste, the texture, the smell, and the specialness.
If you practice being a food snob, you won't go home feeling deprived and you won't mindlessly eat everything just because it is in front of you! Eat your delicacies slowly savoring every bite. Ditch the guilt and enjoy. Now that's what I call a real vacation!
If this is something you're struggling with, let's chat.