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Are you an entrepreneurial woman working alone and feeling a bit isolated and disconnected?

Do you wish you had a small trusted tribe of friends who understand you, support you, and never judge you?


Ifyou answered yes and yes…

You have come to the right place


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I’m Lisa Lewtan - a Life Coach, author, speaker, and workshop facilitator who helps driven professionals to slow down, de-stress, get healthier, become more productive, and connect better with themselves and others.

“Lisa Lewtan did more for our team’s mental health and focus in one hour than we’ve been able to achieve together during the entire COVID period. Her simple and universal techniques were a tonic for all of us, from those who meditate regularly to those who are thoroughgoing multitaskers. ”
Lisa Lewtan is the real deal. I can say that Lisa’s knowledge is outstanding, her facilitation skills are top-notch, and she is just fun to be with, whether in person or through the virtual groups. In fact, if anyone isn’t sure the virtual route is “hands-on” enough, the technology is incredible. I I consider Lisa a mentor, a coach, and a friend who I feel grateful to have on my life journey.
— L.G.
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Join a weekly “Friendship Circle” to discuss topics that encourage connection, learn how to listen, and make real friends.

We meet weekly for one hour for 8 weeks.

With Lisa’s leadership and the support of other group members, I have learned to be mindful of the moments that add up to my one healthy life. This group has helped me understand that there is no beginning or end to leading a balanced life.
— M.G.
I have experienced a personal transformation working with Lisa both individually and in groups. The practices, awareness, and wisdom I’ve gained from these experiences now propel me forward with new confidence.
— L.G.


Lisa’s Groups have been described as “dynamic, inclusive, safe, thought-provoking, encouraging, and uplifting!”

Lisa is passionate about helping people learn healthy lifestyle strategies. Lisa’s positive energy, breadth of knowledge, and thought-provoking questions take you on a journey of self-discovery. Lisa fosters a safe environment for discussion and sharing, allowing us to learn from and support each other as well as to dive deep into topics.
— M.M.
Lisa, you are amazing to work within the group and individual times. Your ability to make me look inward and to take every facet of living and being well into account is what I love the most about working with you. You help me see the whole person, not just the parts that need to be tweaked.I have grown to trust my inner voice and to question what is not right in a way I hadn’t had the tools to do so before I worked with you. Thank you!
— J.M.

Ready to learn more? Let’s Chat.