Five Tips To Get You Feeling Less Bloated And More Vibrant
Summer is the time for getting together with friends, laughing, and sharing some tasty bites and fruity cocktails, right?
For some that may be fine, but for many of us those few extra bites and cocktails could mean an extra few pounds by the end of the summer and a mild headache on many a morning. Not to mention the puffy eyes, sugar cravings, and brain fog that are part of the package.
Then there is the traveling! Great restaurants, homemade ice cream stores, lounging on the beach or pool. If only that morning bike ride was enough to stave off all the “fun” damage.
Fear NOT. It is easier to get back on track faster than you think and it IS possible to do this right now rather than waiting until September. Here are five tips to get you feeling less bloated and more vibrant:
1) Take one week and do an elimination diet.
I advise giving up Dairy, Sugar, Gluten, Soy, and Alcohol for just a week. This is NOT a way to live, but is a great way to get everything out of your system and start fresh. After 3 days, bye bye cravings, bloat, and energy slumps.
2) Eat real unprocessed food, ideally in your home, prepared by you.
You never really know what you are getting at restaurants, even the supposedly healthy ones. Forget the shakes, the bars, and all the “diet” crap out there and go back to basics. There is nothing as a delicious a ripe summer tomato from the farm or a juicy peach.
3) Find an accountability buddy.
Having someone cheer you on and hold you accountable is a key to success. We all KNOW what to do but have trouble actually doing it. An accountability buddy will keep you motivated and on track.
4) Figure out what really brings you joy and serenity and then go DO it.
Do you crave solitude? Go for a long walk in nature. Are you bursting with creativity? Set up an easel and start painting. So many times we use food or alcohol as a replacement to what we really need. Take the time to get to know who you are and what you need right now.
5) Breathe. Meditate. Be still.
Summer is a chance for us to slow down but for many of us this is tough. We are used to operating at full speed and don’t really know how to switch gears. Simply closing your eyes and breathing deeply for one minute is a great start. You need to REST to DIGEST and good digestion is the key to feeling better faster!
For those of you who live in the Boston Area, Lisa Lewtan will be offering her “7 Day Clean Eating Kickstart Program” (which was recently featured in the Boston Globe) on July 22nd-July 29th. The program will help get you back to eating REAL whole foods like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains. Along the way you will become your own private detective into how foods effect your particular mind and body and you will learn tools and strategies to make lasting changes to your health. For more info email