The five-week span from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve brings an endless array of opportunities to overindulge. Keeping up with your Pure Barre schedule is a great foundation for staying healthy, but it also takes amping up your willpower.
Read MoreAbout eight years ago, I claimed Thanksgiving. Every woman needs a holiday that she can call her own and since cooking brisket wasn’t my thing, this seemed to be a good fit. Although I could barely boil water at the time, I figured that most Thanksgiving staples could be bought pre-made and I could recruit my dad to carve the turkey. “No-brainer,” I thought. Then I gave it a go. Quickly I learned that the magic of Thanksgiving was not based on the moistness of the turkey or the sweetness of the pumpkin pie. No, the magic comes from a delicate blend of all of the flavors that make up the day. Yes, I had claimed Thanksgiving, but in order to keep it I needed a better recipe.
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